Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Maloney Field Trip

Jack and Emma Maloney's home


The Maloney  Orchard Field trip hosted by Zola Stoltz --sponsored by the Chiricahua Peloncillo Historical Society ---- April 9, 2009.








It was a beautiful day to enjoy  the beauty of Cave Creek Canyon.  Zola presented an entertaining overview of her husband's ( George Pat Maloney Stoltz ) family and homestead.


Then we had the pleasure of hearing the memories and stories  about the lives of Emma and Sam Farrell (Jack ) Maloney and Emma's parents -- Joe Sanders & wife, Susan Wilson  --  shared by Zola, Pam Hulme and  Delane Blondeau.


We crossed the creek behind Zola's home and walked through the orchard to the remains of the home of Emma Sanders Maloney and Jack Maloney. This house was moved to the property, but was not the home of Joseph Sanders, who homesteaded the property in 1886. 


Emma was quite proud of the convenience of having the well in the middle of her kitchen. The well today still has water accessible. (This is the well today in photo below)


Walk through the orchard — pear tress still producing.


Joseph Sanders and his wife homesteaded the property in 1886 and Emma was born in 1889.  The Sanders house is no longer standing, only the Cold Cellar.











The Cold Cellar -- only remains of the Joe Sander's house on land that was homesteaded in 1886.


Joe Sanders ...... father of Emma Lee Sanders


Emma Lee Sanders married Samuel Farrell (Jack) Maloney in 1906















Emma Sanders Maloney Sam Farrell (Jack) Maloney


These were grandparents of Zola's husband George Pat ( Maloney ) Stoltz..... his parents were Lelia Cloe Dell Maloney known as Micki Stoltz ( child of Emma and Jack) and 2nd husband - Edgar Joseph Stoltz. George Pat  Stoltz spent every summer as child in Portal visiting his grandparents.  George Pat Stoltz and Zola  Bellwood Stoltz were married  in 1954.


The original Homestead property is now in a trust co-owned by their chidlren. 


Zola continues to live on the property now know as The Maloney Orchard or The Trogon Roost.


Following the short hike we returned to Zola' s home for a delicious "light" brunch   shared with the same welcoming  hospitality that  I am sure was offered to friends and family at the Maloney barbecues and dances by Jack and Emma.














This one of the lantern hooks used at the Maloney dances.   Jack Maloney was well know for his barbecue at these parties.


Thank you, Zola for sharing the history of your husband's family.  Was a terrific day!