Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Billy The Kid

A Live Play Performed By Local Actors - August 13, 2022 - Geronimo Center

Based on the book written by Las Cruces–based David Thomas, it centers on New Mexico’s unofficial state outlaw, Billy the Kid. Billy’s trial is the least written about and the least known event of Billy’s adult life. The best-known periods of the Kid’s life are the fighting years in the Lincoln County War (in support of the John Tunstall/Alexander McSween faction), when (in 1878) he shot Sheriff William Brady, his trial in 1881, and his shooting death by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner. Yet Thomas contends that Billy’s murder trial in Mesilla, was the pivotal event in the Kid’s life, as it doomed him to an early death at age 21.

Directed By David G Thomas & Dan Crow

The Cast

Prosecuting Attorney Simon Newcomb - Bill Cavaliere

Defense Attorney Albert Fountain - Howard Topoff

Billy The Kid - Craig McEwan

Judge Warren Bristol - Dan Crow

Bailiff (Left Of Judge) - Rick Eldridge

Prosecution Witness Saturnino Baca - Al Bamman

Defense Witness William Rynerson - Reed Peters

Defense Witness Florencio Gonzales - Ray Mendez

Defense Witness John Wilson - Doug Hocking

Sheriff John Southwick - Bob Ashley

Prosecution Witness Bonifacio Baca - Jesse Bradfield

Defense Table

Prosecutor With His Assistant

Defense Witness Susan McSween - Karla Steen

We don’t know what Susan has against the Bailiff

Newspaper Reporter

Cross Examination

The Prosecutor

Slide Show - Advance Slides By Clicking On Left & Right Arrows

The Audience

Jill Cavaliere & Cindy LaRussa

Collecting Admissions

The Cast

Bailiff -- Rick Eldridge

Warren Bristol, Judge -- Dan Crow

Simon B. Newcomb, Prosecuting Attorney -- Bill Cavaliere

Albert J. Fountain, Defense Counsel -- Howard Topoff

John Webster Southwick, Sheriff -- Bob Ashley

Henry Antrim (Billy the Kid), Defendant -- Craig McEwan

Saturnino Baca, Prosecution Witness -- Al Bammann

Bonifacio Baca, Prosecution Witness -- Jesse Bradfield

Jacob B. Mathews, Prosecution Witness -- Kim Kvamme

Albert Howe, Defense Witness -- Wayne Fralie

Florencio Gonzales, Defense Witness -- Ray Mendez

Susan Ellen McSween, Defense Witness -- Karla Steen

John B. Wilson, Defense Witness -- Doug Hocking

William L. Rynerson, Defense Witness -- Reed Peters

Newspaper Reporter -- Bud Johnson