Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Circuit Writers

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Future Pulitzer Prize Winners

The Circuit Writers are back!


Our local writer’s group has emerged from our Covid isolation and will be  meeting twice a month. We had our first meeting with the long time members, who are still able, reading their writings of recent months as well as some old writings from years past. Some new neighbors have also joined the group, so if you like to write, be it fiction, personal journals or poetry, join us and become one of our group.  We support each other with guidance, advice and maybe a little constructive criticism.


Among our neighbors are several published authors who can offer some advise if you are planning to write a novel and need encouragement. There’s a lot of talent in this small community, so plan to attend our next meeting.


For more information contact Debb Johnson at 520-558-3266 or by email: dalderjohnson@gmail.com