Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

FOCCC - Garden Party - 2024

 You Can Advance The Slides With The Right & Left Arrows, On Either Side Of The Thumbnail Images. You Can Also “Push” The Thumbnails With The Mouse

It was a glorious (but breezy) morning at the Visitor’s Center. And Cecil Williams did a wonderful job of organizing the event for 2024. And thanks too for the numerous helpers setting up tables, tents, lunch, and music. As usual, it is always fun to see what a busy and exciting place Portal is, as a wide variety of clubs, organizations and businesses were showing off their wares.

Smokey The Bear once again challenged the Wizard at Nok Hockey. It was a little scary because Smokey gets a bit frustrated when the Wizard scores so many points. There is nothing more dangerous that a frustrated grizzly bear!  Actually, he was a very good sport. We would have had lots of laughs - that is if Smokey laughed. But he was speechless, as usual!