Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo (
Portal Rescue-Minutes-Agenda
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday January 9, 2025 6:00 PM (Arizona time) Portal Rescue Classroom
Board: David Newton, Alina Downer, Aaron Smith, Cary Booth, Jackie Lewis, Dinah Davidson, Bec Webster Community: Cheryl Booth, Penni Parrish, Bonnie Bowen
1. Called Board Meeting to order at 6:07 PM AZ.
2. Adoption of agenda:
a. Cary moved to adopt the agenda as written. Aaron seconded. Non-opposed, motion carried.
3. Appointment of a board member to fill vacancy for the remainder of the current term.
a. Bec Webster volunteered to fill the vacant Secretary role. Cary moved to appoint Bec to the board for the remainder of the term. Dinah seconded. Non-opposed, motion carried.
4. Approval of Minutes of Board meeting on Dec 12, 2024 found at
a. Cary moved to approve meeting minutes as written. Aaron seconded. Non-opposed, motion carried.
5. Reports - inclusive of updates on projects or tasks not included in agenda below
a. Secretary: Bec Webster
i. Working to familiarize myself with the new role and responsibilities.
b. Fire Chief: David Newton
i. Operations: Tender1 and Aaron provided Mutual Aid to the Rodeo FD during their recent
structure fire on Stateline Rd.
ii. Training: Trainings have been well attended. A Basic Wildland course will be held in Animas the first part of February. iii. Vehicles: All vehicles in service.
iv. Grants: I filed the closeout report for our 2021 FEMA AFG grant (radios). I will apply for the 50/50 Rural Fire Capacity (RFC) grant before the Jan 22nd deadline.
v. Building/Facilities: Replaced the light and motion detector on the SW corner of the ambulance bay. If it needs adjustment, tell me.
c. EMS Chief: Alina Downer
i. Operations: 5 calls since 12/12/24 board meeting including 3 starting off the new year.
ii. Vehicles: Both rescue vehicles are in service. iii. Training: Next EMT training is January 12th 9-11 am.
iv. Other: Work on placing our spare AED in an outdoor location has been delayed until the end of the month.
d. Treasurer: Jackie Lewis
i. Numbers in the 2024 year-to-date report are different from what is shown in the newsletter as year-to-date numbers were not available prior to the newsletter being printed. (See Appendix A)
ii. Printed 400 newsletters and mailed over 350, providing additional copies to ‘Sew What’ welcome wagon and both Portal and Rodeo post offices.
iii. Jackie to prepare an updated year end page with totals as well as making minor
corrections throughout with the help of Kathleen Huber, to be uploaded to the website by Cary. iv. Jackie discussed maturation of two Edward Jones held CDs this month (See Appendix B) Jackie is recommending that the $15K CD, which is the dedicated "MUMA Fund", be rolled over into a 2-year CD with approximate interest of 4.10%. She recommends that the $30K CD be rolled into a 1-year CD which will keep us on track for having a CD mature every quarter. Jackie motions to move forward with the CD reinvestment plan. David seconds. Non-opposed, motion carried.
v. Jackie recommends the maturing $36K CD held at Washington Federal be rounded up to a $40K CD using additional funds from our checking account. Aaron seconds. Non-opposed, motion carried.
e. Member without Portfolio: Aaron Smith
i. Nothing to report.
f. VP Report: Dinah Davidson
i. Has gotten out the latest two flyers and will work on the next two flyers for Marilyn Forestell and Brian Whitehorn. Dinah has two more flyers following those aforementioned before stepping down.
ii. Contacted the new County Supervisor for District 2 to request pass-through authority so that Portal Rescue can apply for Indian Gaming grants. Funds for our non-profit NGO would go toward purchase of a new rescue vehicle and toward land acquisition for a new radio repeater. Received an emailed official letter from the Clerk of the BOS, confirming their willingness and ability to aid Fire districts in this way. When we reminded them that we are an NGO, and not a Fire District, they said that it didn’t matter, and that they had done this before for NGOs.
iii. Compiled grant list with deadlines to investigate eligibility requirements and potential for applying.
iv. Raised point of needing to meet and discuss with Alina, David, and Aaron to find average price and vehicle specifications for ‘new’ rescue vehicles in the interest of having an estimate for cost required by all grant applications.
v. Requested Aaron to compile a table comparing different emergency vehicle specifications to get an idea of what we may want for our rescue vehicle and how much it would cost. Aaron agreed and will work to compile a table with the needed information for the EMS and Fire Chiefs to review and discuss. vi. Contacted State Lands to explore options for land acquisition in continued interest of setting up a new repeater for greater reach into the canyon and valley for radio communication. (See 6.c)
g. President: Cary Booth
i. Created page for Bowls & Spoons event on Portal Rescue website. Will continue to update and add more information regarding the event and raffles, including when, where, and how to buy tickets for the raffle as well as order forms for raffle prizes.
6. Continued Business
a. 2024 building project progress
i. Responders Lounge
a. David requests a date announcement for the community to come and take old chairs. Aaron to send out a firm date within the next two weeks.
ii. Fire Building storage
a. David to do more measuring of the fire garage for rack hardware.
b. Status update regarding plans for acquiring helicopter service membership for PR
i. Jackie got into contact with PHICares and is waiting for a new sales representative to contact her back.
ii. AirMedCares explained Portal Rescue members with currently held helicopter memberships will resume the remainder of their coverage after their Portal Rescue helicopter membership expires, should they move or retire from volunteering iii. Group payment by Portal rescue is approximately $75/member annually, whereas a 3 year plan would be $65/member but is non-refundable.
iv. AirMedCares requires an additional form for each member’s household to be gathered, scanned, and emailed by a Portal rescue member to Nancy Tucker.
c. Continued discussion regarding 2025 large expenditure research for grant search and budget forecasting
i. Discussion regarding vehicle acquisition mentioned throughout the meeting. (See
ii. Land acquisition research ongoing, no promising prospects at the moment. Penni Parrish aided in the search, visually explored the map with the board to get a better idea on optimal placement for the radio receiver. Penni to call Cochise County and the title company to receive clarity on obtaining a portion of a land lot less than four acres, as well as potential around leasing state land.
d. Washington Federal Account closure and associated funds transfer update.
i. (See 5.d) Cary will head to Douglas, close the account, and deposit funds into a new Edward Jones CD late next week.
e. 2025 Budget finalization
i. See Appendix C
7. For the Good of the Order
a. Next Blood Drive: Thurs January 16, 2025
b. Community open mic
8. Adjourn. 8:14PM AZ
A: Treasurer’s 2024 Year-to-date Report: Jan 1 thru Dec 31st, 2024
Checking: Beginning Balance: $94,708.95
Ending Balance: $95,860.07
INCOME: $118,057.37
Donations: $78,665.50
Fire Income: $811.79
Fundraising Income: $11,764.33
(includes donated expenses)
Grants: $9,959.74
Interest Deposit: $12,218.20
Misc. (Brush 6): $4,805.81
Phone Book Sales: $590
Rent: $242
EXPENSES: $64,234.50
*Majority of “spent” funds were donated.
Dues: $348
EMS Supply/Equip: $3,837.99
EMS Training*: $4,362.79
Fire Supply/Equip: $25,897.74
Fundraising Expense*: $2,469.22
(ACTUAL 2024 Bowls & Spoons $275 – all else donated) + restock for 2025 + donation drive
Insurance: $12,405
Misc. Exp*: $1,070.51 (BBQ & sunshade)
Office: $1,523.73
Radio Ops: $630.98
Structure Maint: $2,892.71
Utilities: $3,698.98
Vehicle Ops: $5,097.35
$29,720 12/30 deposit not recorded until January
Check Deposits to be made (not included above)
Donations - $80
Petty Cash on hand: $69.30
Excess stamps on hand: $79.2
EDWARD JONES CDs: $165,000
Wells Fargo Bank (4.75%) $15,000 1/15/25
(dedicated MUMA)
Bank India New York (4.8%) $30K – 1/31/25
Citizens Bank (5.4%) $30K – 3/19/2025
Wells Fargo (4.55%) $30K - 7/17/2025
PeoplesBank (4.65%) $30K – 9/30/25
Morgan Stanley (5.2%) $30K – 12/1/2025
60 month CD – Maturity Date: 01-15-25 (Rainy Day Fund)
B: Treasurer’s 2025 Year-to-date Report: Jan 1 thru Jan 9, 2025 Checking: Beginning Balance: $95,860.07
INCOME: $ Donations:
Fire Inc:
Fundraising Inc: (includes donated expenses) Grants:
Interest Deposit:
Misc Inc:
Phone Book Sales: Rent:
EMS Supply/Equip:
EMS Training:
Fire Supply/Equip:
Fundraising Expense: Insurance: $2,868 Misc. Exp: Office: $292 Radio Ops:
Structure Maint: Utilities: $111.88 Vehicle Ops:
Check Deposits to be made (not included above)
Donations $430
Cash Deposits to be made (not included above)
Petty Cash on hand: $69.30
Excess stamps on hand: $108.40
EDWARD JONES CDs: $165,000
Wells Fargo Bank (4.75%) $15,000 1/15/25
(dedicated MUMA)
Bank India New York (4.8%) $30K – 1/31/25
Citizens Bank (5.4%) $30K – 3/19/2025
Wells Fargo (4.55%) $30K - 7/17/2025
PeoplesBank (4.65%) $30K – 9/30/25
Morgan Stanley (5.2%) $30K – 12/1/2025
60 month CD – Maturity Date: 01-15-25 (Rainy Day