Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

New Year’s Brunch - 2025

Well, another traditional event returns! For those who might not have stayed up until the wee hours of morning on New Year’s Eve, we held our New Year’s Day brunch. And true to form, about 30 people and tons of food (including hot popovers baked in the classroom) showed up to ensure a successful event. But food was not nearly enough. The Wizard of Portal (aka Howeird), gave a presentation on how winter holidays are celebrated around the world. 

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Winter Holidays Around The World

Festivus Pole

A Uniquely Oaxacan Festival: Night of the Radishes

Happy Sankranti - Hindu Festival


Krampus Night - Germany

 New York City Polar Bear Club - Coney Island

  Ecuador: giant effigies

 Which are burned at midnight

Takanakuy: Settling Scores at a Fist-Fighting Festival in the Peruvian Andes

Each year on Dec. 25, thousands of locals gather in the town of Santo Tomás — dressed in elaborate costumes — to dance, drink and duke it out.  Men, women and children too. And, after they beat the hell out of each other, they hug, kiss, and have a good laugh.

Not To Be Outdone, We Staged Our Very Own Takanakuy.