Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

New Year’s Brunch - 2024

Well, another event returns after a pause due to the pandemic. And just as crazy as in the past. For those who might not have stayed up until the wee hours of morning on New Year’s Eve, we held our New Year’s Day brunch. And true to form, about 50 people and tons of food showed up to ensure a successful event. But food was not nearly enough. The Wizard of Portal (aka Howeird), gave a presentation on how winter holidays are celebrated around the world. After the presentation, there was a BIG surprise. Ray Mendez, on behalf of the community gave, what appeared to be a Memorial presentation about Howeird, even though Howeird still showed signs of life. It was a lead-up to an announcement that Howeird was being proclaimed a Living Treasure. This honor was brought to Portal by Delane Blondeau, who taught school in Japan, where honoring Living Treasures was a long established tradition. I told Carol that she could now relax. When I die, she just has to remember that a memorial for me had already been presented. The “prize” included a gift certificate to Amazon and an absolutely amazing quilt made by Marilyn Forestell. I don’t know how she did it, but many people mentioned that the picture on the quilt actually looks like me.

So, take your time time. There is much to see if you scroll down: 

1. A slide show of the event. 

2. A few photos from the presentation of holidays around the world.

3. The Living Treasure certificate.

4. The world’s most beautiful and creative quilt 

You Can Advance The Slides With The Right & Left Arrows, On Either Side Of The  Thumbnail Images

Living Treasure Certificate

Made By Marilyn Forestell

We live in Portal, what a treat

A community that can’t be beat

Where else can you find a New Year's Brunch

Where every guest brings my lunch

In spite of Covid, RSV and flu

The residents came, both old and new

After eating we toured the earth

To see holidays celebrated with mirth 

Except, of course, the beast called Krampus

Mean right down to his hippocampus

Eating children on Chiristmas eve

But they must have been naughty I believe

The festival ended with a big surprise

The organizers kept it in perfect disguise

An Amazon gift card from him and her

Wow, now I can buy frankencense and myrrh

And would you believe

What they did conceive

A memorial for me they did connive

But I fooled them all cause I’m still alive

Winter Holidays Around The World

Festivus Pole

A Uniquely Oaxacan Festival: Night of the Radishes

Happy Sankranti - Hindu Festival


Krampus Night - Germany

 New York City Polar Bear Club - Coney Island

  Ecuador: giant effigies

 Which are burned at midnight

Takanakuy: Settling Scores at a Fist-Fighting Festival in the Peruvian Andes

Each year on Dec. 25, thousands of locals gather in the town of Santo Tomás — dressed in elaborate costumes — to dance, drink and duke it out.  Men, women and children too. And, after they beat the hell out of each other, they hug, kiss, and have a good laugh.

Not To Be Outdone, We Staged Our Very Own Takanakuy. Check Out The Slide Show For Additional Photos Of This Epic Battle.