Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)


An Important Community Service In Town


Joining PortalRodeo-Shares lets you share with others, lets you save a drive into town as you can notify others if you need something like: 

...a spare part (plumbing, electric, auto, hardware, wire, wood, kitchen, pantry, sewing, office supplies, first aid, cleaning, art, sewing, paint)

...brief tool loan

…a RIDE somewhere

...help with a quick repair or lifting

…questions, information, referrals, ideas, brainstorming


If you have an item for SALE, send it to htopoff@mac.com for posting to the “For Sale Page” of the Portal-Rodeo web site.


PortalRodeo-Shares is founded in the hopes that many if not most interactions will result in free exchange of "stuff" but individual situations will vary.


How to join:  Send your name and email  to Deborah Herczog at thrasherdeb@aol.com   


Your name and email address will be added to PortalRodeo Shares Bcc list.  When you want to make a request, send an email with the specifics including your phone number to thrasherdeb@aol.com.  It will be posted to members of the group as soon as possible.



1. Reply to a request only if you want to.

2. If you can provide assistance, reply only to the participant making the request.

3. Notify thrasherdeb@aol.com who will let the entire group know once the request is met.


Remember: signing up never obligates anyone to share unless it is convenient and enjoyable - responding is Totally Optional. 


The group is primarily designed to share extras that most of us have stored that might otherwise deteriorate or go to waste over time. And to help with an easy errand when someone is going into town anyway.  Participants can also choose to send a notice to one another if they have extras of something, or freebie give aways (heavy or not).  The Shares Group is a community opportunity to help neighbors, to get to know others better (like newcomers), & to support one another.


*Note: The loaning of items, especially more costly breakable ones, may not be an option and should involve consideration & discussion between individuals about specific loan details.