Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Sock Hop - 2024

The return of the Sock Hop since Covid. Was all the work worth it? YOU BET IT WAS! We brought it back bigger and better than ever.  About 70 people came to the Rodeo Community Center to dance up a “storm.” And speaking of bigger and better, the PortalAires and Shangri-LaLas added a host of new singers and musicians - and they sound better every time they perform.


Next came the dance lessons. Becky and Howard demonstrated the Stroll and then everyone “Strolled” across the Community Center floor. Later, Becky taught everyone how to do the Hand Jive. I tell you the joint was jumping!


A nice addition, as always, is that most of the songs we danced to were sung by the original artists, and as we danced we watched the artists perform on a LARGE screen.


Raymond and Jon, our two Soda Jerks spent a whole two hours dishing out root beer floats. Rumor has it that Cody had at least 6 floats - maybe more.  But we also have it on unofficial but usually reliable sources that many people had more than one.

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 One of the most gratifying aspects of the Hop was the diversity of ages that not only showed up but danced - fast dances and slow dances. Kids, middle-aged couples, (very) senior citizens - they all hopped, strolled, jived, twisted and held each other closely. It just goes to show that I am correct when I say: GROWING OLD MAY BE MANDATORY BUT GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL!